atonement, atonement theories. Atonement refers to God’s act of dealing with the primary human problem, sin. Both OT and NT affirm that sin has broken the relationship between God and humankind. According to Christian theology, God accomplished the way of restoration through Christ’s death. Although Scripture does not clearly spell out how this atonement takes place, some of the atonement theories include: (1) moral influence—Christ’s death acts as a positive example of love in action; (2) ransom (Christus victor)—Christ is the ransom that buys back sinners from Satan or gains the victory over evil; (3) satisfaction—Christ’s death appeased the honor due God that has been robbed by human sin; and (4) penal substitution—Christ stood in the legal place of sinners, bearing the just punishment due us because we transgress God’s laws.
attribute, attributes of God. In general, an attribute is a characteristic or quality used to describe an object or person. When speaking of the attributes of God, theologians note those characteristics or qualities that are essential to our understanding of God as God relates to us as created beings. The attributes that classical Christian theology sets forth include holiness, eternality, [Theological Terms, p. 18] omniscience (all knowing), omnipotence (all powerful), omnipresence (present to all) and goodness. Some theologians would argue that love is an attribute of God, while others suggest that love is more closely related to God’s essential being.
Augsburg Confession. Formulated in 1530, the Augsburg Confession summarizes the faith claims of Lutherans regarding Christ and his word. The Confession was written by Philipp Melanchthon, a devoted follower of Martin Luther. The Augsburg Confession has twenty-eight articles on topics such as God, humanity, sin, salvation, the church and the end of the ages.
Augustine, Augustinianism (354–430). One of the greatest theologians in the history of the church, Augustine was influential in the development of the Western church’s understanding of the doctrines of the Trinity, sin, predestination and the church. Augustine is known for his integration of the thought categories of Platonic philosophy with theology. Augustinianism as a system of thought essentially starts with the complete sinfulness of humankind (depravity), which leaves humans unable to respond in faith toward God. In keeping with this, Augustinianism asserts that God predestines those who are enabled to repent and believe.
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