The parable of the tenants is rich in meaning. If the tenants are Israel and its religious leaders, who are the owner, the servants and the son?
From ESV Study Bible...
Mark 12:6 still one other, a beloved son (see note on Luke 20:13). The tenants' attitude toward the landlord will be directly reflected in their respect, or lack of it, for his son, who represents Jesus (Ex. 10:3; Lev. 26:41; 2 Chron. 36:11–16; see the echo of this theme in Mark 1:11; 9:7).
Mark 12:7 The tenants display disrespect for the landlord by seeking to kill his heir. They may be assuming that the heir's arrival means the landlord has died.
Ryan: - well , those who dethrone God, de-goding God, or even suggest that God is dead (esp the likes of Richard Dawkins) - WATCH OUT! The bible does talk about judgement towards those who form such views....
Mark 12:9 Finally the owner of the vineyard (God) punishes the evil tenants (leaders of Israel; Isa. 5:3, 5) and seeks new tenants (give the vineyard to others). Israel (and the Son sent to her) belongs to God. Israel's leaders disrespect the possessions of God (Mark 11:27–12:12) and thus incur the judgment of God.
v. 9 God transfers responsibility for his people to “others,”
Ryan -> this is consistent with mark Chpt 7: 24-30 ( The Syropheoenician Woman's Faith) .. Israel will be 'fed first' before the message gets out to the nation.
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