Sunday, April 26, 2009

Christ as Seen in 1 Timothy:

Several passages stand out in pointing us to the person and ministry of the Savior. He is the source of our calling, strength, faith, and love so needed for ministry (1:12-14), the one who came to save sinners (1:15), “the one Mediator between God and men” (2:5), “God manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up in glory (3:16), and “the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe” (4:10).


I. The Salutation (1:1-2)

II. Instructions Concerning Doctrine (1:3-20)

A. Warnings Against False Doctrine (1:3-11)
B. Paul’s Testimony of Grace (1:12-17)
C. Paul’s Charge to Timothy (1:18-20)

III. Instructions Concerning Worship (2:1-2:15)

A. Instructions Concerning Prayer (2:1-7)
B. Instructions Concerning Men and Women (2:8-15)

IV. Instructions Concerning Leaders (3:1-16)

A. Concerning Elders and Deacons (3:1-13)
B. Parenthetical Explanation (3:14-16)

V. Instructions Concerning Dangers (4:1-16)

A. Description of the Dangers (4:1-5)
B. Duties and Defenses Against the Dangers (4:6-16)

VI. Instructions Concerning Various Responsibilities (5:1-6:10)

A. Concerning Various Age-Groups (5:1-2)
B. Concerning Widows (5:3-16)
C. Concerning Elders (5:17-25)
D. Concerning Slaves and Masters (6:1-2)
E. Concerning the Heretical and Greedy (6:3-10)

VII. Final Instructions to Timothy (6:11-21)

A. Exhortation to Godliness (6:11-16)
B. Instructions for the Rich (6:17-19)
C. Exhortations to Remain Faithful (6:20-21)

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