Sunday, April 12, 2009

FES 50th Anniversary

Date: Thursday, 21 May, 2009 - Friday, 29 May, 2009
Theme: Recalling History, Proclaiming His Story

FES celebrates her 50th Anniversary in 2009. In conjunction with this, we will be holding:
Public Lectures on "The Full Confidence of Faith" by Prof Alister McGrath from 21-23 May, 7.00pm at the New Sacntuary, St Andrew's Cathedral.

Pastors' Breakfast with Prof Alister McGrath on 22 May, 9-11am, NUS Guild House, co-organised with Biblical Graduate School of Theology (BGST). This event is by invitation only.

FES 50th Anniversary Dinner on 29 May, 7.00pm at Pioneer Spring Restaurant, SARFA, Mt Faber. Dinner fees: $60 (professionals); $25 (students)

More information is available at

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