Tuesday, April 21, 2009

2 Negative Reviews of Prince from Amazon.com...

Deep theological errors, April 20, 2009
By Rowina Balcombe (London, UK) -

There are some great points in this book but some deep theological errors. A biblical understanding of repentance is:

STRONGS: G3340. From G3326 and G3539; to think differently or afterwards, that is, reconsider (morally to feel compunction): - repent. My Note: To feel compunction means a feeling of uneasiness or anxiety of the conscience caused by regret for doing wrong or causing pain; contrition; remorse.

THAYER'S AND SMITH'S BIBLE DICTIONARY: G3340 1) To change one's mind, i.e. to repent. 2) To change one's mind for better, heartily to amend with abhorrence of one's past sins. My Note: Abhorrence means understanding that you are disgusting, loathsome, or repellent in your sin. Abhorrence is a feeling of repugnance or loathing.

Repentance is shown in the Bible to be essential for salvation.

Joseph Prince teaches

* No sense of remorse/understanding of guilt is needed for salvation. One only needs to change one's mind to "repent".

(p.233). "When John the Baptist said, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" he was essentially saying, "Change your mind, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand"...When you begin to receive the revelation that you are no longer under the old covenant law, but are now under the new covenant of grace, the Bible calls that repentance.

* The salvation prayer contains no apology or sense of guilt for sin.

(p.314) "Lord Jesus, thank you for dieing for me on the cross. Your precious blood washes me clean of my every sin. You are my Lord and saviour, now and forever. I believe that you rose from the dead and that you are alive today. Because of your finished work, I am now a beloved child of God and heaven is my home. Thank You for giving me eternal life, and filling my heart with peace and joy."

* He teachers that as Christians we should no longer be conscious of sin.

(page 186).Chapter 14 of Destined to Reign is titled: No more consciousness of sin. and teaches that to be conscious of sin is to have an evil conscience: an "evil conscience is a conscience which is constantly conscious of your sin"

(page 134) "The holy spirit never convicts you of your sins. He never comes to point out any of your faults."

* He teaches that we don't need to fast (p.274-277) and Joseph Prince explains that he does not intentionally fast.

Throughout his book, Joseph shows that he had a terrible sense of condemnation in old churches. He seems to have thrown the baby out with the bath water. He has changed the meaning of the word repentance and is teaching accordingly. People love this book because it makes you feel so free...free to never have to repent ever again...free from any consciousness of sin. This is NOT biblical. He uses many examples when Jesus just said to people your sins are forgiven. In all these cases...it is clear that the individual already had a contrite heart. If you have contrite heart and hate your sin, when you turn to Jesus you are repenting. If you think you sin is not all that bad but Jesus seems great and turn to Him...you are not repenting and are not saved. Don't be fooled!! This teaching is becoming so common and is deceiving even the elect (if that were possible)

Some bible facts with tons of twisted Truth... Beware., January 13, 2009
By Paul C. Chiu (Los Angeles) - See all my reviews

If I can give zero stars I would, but I have to give it a 1 star here.
It was given to me by a friend from the New Creation Church in Singapore.
I was in Singapore in June of 2008 and visited Pastor Prince's Church.
I was very impressed with him for the first 15 or 20 minutes. He is a very eloquent speaker, and if you are NOT rooted in the Word of God, you will not catch him when he throws in his twisted truth. He does it in a very subtle way. Which caught me by surprise.
The feeling of coming out after that message was, the more you give, you'll get more back from God.... as if the motive to give to God was so that we'll get more blessings in return. What kind of a gospel was this I asked myself. I've never heard of $, real estate, possessions and prosperity been preached in one sermon than my entire life time here in the states than from that 1 sermon I heard from him. I didn't feel right at all.

After reading this book, I'm so happy to say that the end times is near as described by Jesus in Matthew 24.

He twisted the word of God with his own 'prosperity' agenda.
There's just a little mentioning of 'sin' in it where he condones it and nothing much was mentioned as to what will happen when one sins or how he views it. All you hear repeatedly is the Law Vs Grace. Old covenant Vs New covenant. He preaches so much against the old covenant and the Law back in the Old testament, but he preaches so much blessings and prosperity from the Old testament. What kinda knick picking gospel is this? He doesn't mention anything about Jesus telling the rich young ruler to sell all his belongings and follow Jesus.

Effortless success - sounds like an oxymoron.

Please read the bible and learn on your own please. I can't believe I wasted my time reading this junk.

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