Wednesday, August 26, 2009

2 Corinthians Outline

Christ as Seen in 2 Corinthians:

In a later epistle, Paul will stress how we are “complete in Christ” (Col. 2:10). All we need for life is found in Him. In this epistle, we see Him as our comfort (1:5), triumph (2:14), Lord (2:4), liberty or freedom for a new life (3:17), light (4:6), judge (5:10), reconciliation (5:19), gift (9:15), owner (10:7), and power (12:9).


I. Primarily Apologetic: Explanation of Paul’s Conduct and Apostolic Ministry (chs. 1–7)

A. Salutation (1:1-2)

B. Thanksgiving for Divine Comfort in Affliction (1:3-11)

C. The Integrity of Paul’s Motives and Conduct (1:12–2:4)

D. Forgiving the Offender at Corinth (2:5-11)

E. God’s Direction in the Ministry (2:12-17)

F. The Corinthian Believers—a Letter From Christ (3:1-11)

G. Seeing the Glory of God With Unveiled Faces (3:12–4:6)

H. Treasure in Clay Jars (4:7-16a)

I. The Prospect of Death and What It Means for the Christian (4:16b–5:10)

J. The Ministry of Reconciliation (5:11–6:10)

K. A Spiritual Father’s Appeal to His Children (6:11–7:4)

L. The Meeting With Titus (7:5-16)

II. Hortatory: The Collection for the Christians at Jerusalem (chs. 8–9)

A. Generosity Encouraged (8:1-15)

B. Titus and His Companions Sent to Corinth (8:16–9:5)

C. Results of Generous Giving (9:6-15)

III. Polemical: Paul’s Vindication of His Apostolic Authority (chs. 10–13)

A. Paul’s Defense of His Apostolic Authority and the Area of His Mission (ch. 10)

B. Paul Forced Into Foolish Boasting (chs. 11–12)

C. Final Warnings (13:1-10)

D. Conclusion (13:11-14)

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