Sunday, February 28, 2010

Is work spiritual?

Is work spiritual?
Work is worldly while ministry is spiritual? Is work seperated from
A new way to look at work... Work matters as much as church... Work=

1. Our posture at work : honouring Christ (eph 6.5-6)
R'ships in eph: marriage, home and work...
A. Context: living e spirit filled life...
Our motivation is honoring Christ... Learn to srve in a spirit of
excellence... We r called slaves.. We are described as slaves... Ch
slaves ...
Duty of slaves: obedience...; but wat is not said? Slaves have no
rights! To rebel or complain... But how to obey? Wat's e attitude??
Essential attitudes :
i .with fear n trembling 1 cor 2.3
ii. with a sincere heart... Singleness of heart... Loyalty... Not in
eyes serving... Wat is e will of god in mkt place? E will of god is ur
work! He assign e work and to appt us to do his purpose thru us...
Embrace e diff seasons of our lives to learn n grow...
All done to the glory of God

2. Our pursuit at work: serving others (eph 6.7-8)
E pursuit of excellence... Honor christ thru excellence...
i. Serve with e excellence
ii. Serve with good will
iii. As unto e lord and not men..

God will reward every good work...

Misguided notions abt work;
1 work is less sognificant than ministry
2 work is an inferior calling
3 work is necessary to help us witness
4 work = ministry

Sent from ryan's iPhone

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