Saturday, May 29, 2010

Serving the Purpose of God

Serving the Purpose of God

Charles F. Stanley

Scripture: Acts 13:36

I. Introduction: Many people have no clear purpose for their lives. Even believers can go through life without ever realizing God's plan for them. Only through discovering His purpose for us can we experience genuine fulfillment.

II. What is your unique plan?

A. What purpose does the Father have for you? The apostle Paul described the life of King David by mentioning that he "served the purpose of God in his own generation" (Acts 13:36).

B. You can honor the Lord with your daily choices—at work, at home, and in the community. Serving God is not limited to church and missionary work. The best way to experience a fulfilled life is to live for the Lord (Ps. 34:10).

III. How did David serve the purpose of God?

A. By working as a shepherd: David was the youngest of eight sons, and his task was to tend the sheep (1 Sam. 16:11). In that humble role, he submitted to his father's authority. Also, as David protected the animals, he learned how to fight courageously—a valuable skill he later put to use as a warrior.

B. By fighting Goliath: David recognized that the true nature of the battle with the Philistine was spiritual. He boldly approached the giant in God's strength and demonstrated the awesome power of the Lord's name (1 Sam. 17:45-48).

We are given a similar opportunity when people criticize Christians or our faith. Instead of remaining silent, we should defend the name of Jesus Christ, who gave His life on our behalf and faithfully cares for us day by day.

C. By being obedient to authority: King Saul became jealous of David's tremendous success in battle and tried on a number of occasions to kill him. But despite the king's animosity, David remained committed to serving Saul.

When you find yourself in a difficult situation—perhaps facing criticism or persecution—you also have a chance to serve the Lord. If you trust Him instead of lashing out, you will be serving His purpose for your life. We should fight our battles on our knees, not by attacking other people.

D. By learning to wait for God's timing: David's men urged him to kill Saul when he had the chance. But to his followers' surprise, he refused to harm the man Samuel had anointed as king
(1 Sam. 24:6). David determined to wait for God to give him the kingdom.

The world won't always understand our decisions either. But when you respond to life's opportunities and crises in a godly fashion, you model the authentic Christian life.

E. By serving as an illustration: David's life provides a powerful example of both the Lord's forgiveness and the consequences of sin. Although he committed adultery with Bathsheba and arranged for Uriah's death, he repented of his sin after Nathan confronted him. God forgave him, but his rebellion had consequences. After David's sin with Bathsheba, his life was filled with heartache and pain.

Most people in our society want to rebel against God and avoid the repercussions. Our heavenly Father graciously forgives our wrongdoings, but we will always pay the price for our disobedience.

F. By writing songs: The book of Psalms contains many lyrics written by David. This collection gives us an intimate glimpse of the relationship between a man and his Creator. In fact, every human emotion—from love and devotion to jealousy and hatred—is expressed in it. Because of David's contribution to the Word of God, his life has served the Lord's purpose, not just for his generation, but for thousands of years after it.

IV. Conclusion: Perhaps you have never realized the purpose for your life. As a Christian, you should live in such a way that your life will make an impact for God. Your attitudes and actions should count for His kingdom. My friend, I pray you will seek the Father's will and surrender to His leading. The Lord will amaze you with the powerful things He'll do in and through your life.

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