Monday, August 2, 2010

Next 2010 Message


by D.A. Carson

Download the message

Message Outline

1. In the Bible, God is Presented as Triune
2. God is the Transcendent Creator
3. God is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent
4. God is holy
5. God is love
6. God is self-disclosing

Exodus 34
1) The setting is sin
2) The revelation is dangerous
3) The revelation is hugely self-defined
4) The revelation is mystifying
5) The response is unqualified submission

Application Questions

  • Which aspect of God's character in the message was the most unfamiliar to you? How does understanding that aspect of God's character adjust your view of God?
  • How does understanding each attribute of God covered in the message change the way you live?
  • What would a response of unqualified submission to God look like for you?

Next Steps

  • Choose one specific attribute covered in the message and study it in Scripture.
  • Set aside a time to commune with God in prayer, worship, and prayerful meditation on Scripture.

Justin Taylor's Book Recommendations
(Click on a title for more information)

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