Friday, February 27, 2009

Pleasing God Above Pleasing People

In Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, He said some pretty profound things that can genuinely help one find the inner sense of peace and contentment that comes from doing right.
here are some of the characteristics of people who please God according to Jesus in Matthew 5:3-10:

- They are poor in spirit, humble before all-powerful God, constantly searching for wisdom, confident, but not conceited.
- They are mournful. That means when they are down they are not knocked out because they are dependent on a loving heavenly Father. They are also sensitive to hurt and pain- other's as well as their own.
- They are gentle, with a servant attitude toward others, understanding other people's sensitivities, and easy-going under pressure.
-They long for righteousness and seek God's guidance. They are intolerant of wickedness and injustice, steadfast in personal morality.
- They are merciful, forgiving wrongs done to them, compassionate toward people who have needs, and responsive to requests for help.
- They are pure in heart, truthful, sincere in their love for others, trustworthy, refusing to play games.
- They are peacemakers, persistent in building harmony,friendly and cooperative even to disagreeable people.
- They are persecuted for righteousness, resistant to harmful peer pressure, faithful to Jesus Christ regardless of the opposition, and courageous when receiving abuse and mockery.

These qualities seem impossible to possess. Well, they are- apart from God's transforming power.

Someone said that the Christian life was hard. It isn't hard to live at all. It's impossible! The only way to please God is to have Him living in you. Then trust Him to produce these qualities in you.

From Overcoming Relationship Regret by Dick Purnell, pg 121-122

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