Thursday, May 6, 2010


Things will not get back to normal- no it won’t. I prefer to call it an adjustment to a new environment. It feels like a 2nd chance to live again. It is definitely a new start.


Pain is like a secret ingredient to a secret recipe. You can’t pay a million bucks for it. It’s priceless. And moreover, you cannot measure pain; there’s no way to say my loss is more painful than yours. Each pain is unique to its griever.


So the soul grows through grieve. I hope God gives me the extra depth and capacity to receive and give. The extra depth- where does it come from?


It’s an interesting journey ahead. How will it turn out – nobody knows; only God knows. God is God, and I am not.


Ryan Chia

Group O&T : Financial Control

Telephone : 6318 7696


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